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Veterans Support Council, Inc.

Phone Icon (317) 489-9471

VSC Working Committees

Davide Sassman, General Black & Don Hawkins Don Hawkins, Mayor Ballard, Dennis Wimer, Paul Norton & Hal Daniels Governor Holcomp is our newest member of American Legion Post 510 Jim Morrison, Don Hawkins & Charlie Russell

To join one of the below Committees, please use the "Committees Sign-Up Form" at the bottom of this page.

VSC's Working Committees
Anyone interested in serving on any of VCS's Research Committees are welcome to attend.


(Meets monthly with organizations that offer services & benefit to Veterans and their Families)

executive Committee Chair
Stacy Dieckman

(317) 344-9767

Executive Committee Co-Chair
Don Hawkins

Veterans Support Council
(317) 632-0500

Minute Taker

Committee Members

  • Jerry Morgan
  • Charlie Russell
  • Dave Sassman
  • Tom Harris

Working On:

  Marketing &
Public Relations
(Creates ways to promote Veterans Awareness)

Noreen Gilliland
(626) 616-3201

Gunta Irbe
Wright and Associates, P.C.
(317) 575-1900


Committee Members

  • David Bechtel
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Working On:

  Fund-Raising &
(Sponsors & Finds Funding for Veterans  Events)



Committee Members

  • John Finney
  • Cheryl McClerdon (grant writing)

Working On:

VSC's Event Planning Committee
This Committees purpose is to plan the VSC's Day event.
The next date is Saturday the 23rd of September 2023  from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
  • If you want to volunteer your services and expertice for the VSC's Event Planning Committee, please contact:  Don Hawkins

These Directors and Officers of VSC & MACV are automatically on the Mayors Event Planning Committee.

  • Don Hawkins
  • Ponytail Cauley
  • Mike Hamm
  • Paul Norton
  • Dave Sassman
  • Jerry Morgan
  • Tom Harris
  • Dr. Doty Taylor
  • Ron Sukenick
  • Jim Patton
  • Karen McMcAndrews
  • Charlie Russell
  • Bonnie Wooten
  • Stacy Dieckman
  • Cathy Lee-Sellers
  • Vern Rensing
  • David Franklin
  • Mike Clark
  • Sylvia Maixner
  • Nick Noe
  • Phil Kehrer (my church)
  • Annie Edwards
  • Jeff Skirvin
  • Robin Close
  • Andrew Janovicz
  • Bonita Hurt
  • Heather Harvey
  • Ken Hall
  • Mike Clark
  • Robin Close
  • Robert Braun
  • Jennifer Highwood
  • Pete Cowden
  • Bea Hunter
  • Stacy Dieckman
  • Jersey Johnny
  • William Little

VSC's Event Planning Committee meets on the first Thursday of each month from 1:00 to 2:30 PM

For Medical or Physical Emergencies:

  • New -  dial 988 - By dialing 988 your call will be immediately routed to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
    • The current Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) is always available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, even after 988 is launched nationally.,
  • If you or someone you are helping is hurt or in imminent danger, please get to a phone and dial 9-1-1 for immediate help.
  • If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or facing a crisis, dial 2-1-1 in Indy or 1-(866) 211-9966 for immediate help.
  • If you are a victim of domestic violence, dial 1-(800) 332-7385 in Indy for help.

For Non-Emergencies:

  • If you are a Veteran, or a family member of a Veteran, in search of information on how to get goods or services you/they may need, you can dial 2-1-1 or contact one of the Service Providers or Veterans Organizations listed on our "Resources" page.
  • Cellphone users in Marion County may now dial 3-1-1 to reach the non-emergency line for IMPD and other Marion County dispatchers. The non-emergency phone number for callers using landlines is (317) 327-3811.

Please Note:

  • VSC is not a provider of any financial assistance or direct services other than Information and Referrals on where to get goods, services, programs, and benefits for Veterans, the Military, and their families.


  • This is a private website and is NOT affiliated with any U.S. government or U.S. Armed Forces agencies.
  • We reserve the right to monitor the content of this website and regret that some suggested or recommended resources may not be accepted for one reason or another.
  • The information and organizations listed on this website do not necessarily mean that we endorse their information, data, or their resources.  We have done our best to include information and resources that benefit our Veterans, the Military Community, and their Families.

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